You May Not Be The Best Person Operationally To Run Your Business

running a business

You may NOT be the best person operationally to run your business

Well, if you are then you are employing the wrong people.

If you run it from an operational perspective then you have a job, I’m afraid to say, NOT a business.

Of course, if you have just started and or are small, then as long as you know this nuance and are working towards making yourself redundant, that’s fine.

BUT most people who have been in business for a couple of years or more and who are still doing vals, paying the Landlords, dealing with minor complaints, speaking to vendors, have not made enough difference in their business to break the self-employed barrier – nothing wrong with that.

It’s not a criticism, just pointing out an observation and if that’s what you want to do then great, job accomplished (pardon the pun).

However, if at some point you want more time, more options, more income and build a true business you can sell, then you really need to start, honestly, looking at your business and what you can do to get yourself from running it on a day-to-day basis.

It’s NEVER too late for you to systemise your business.

You just need to start. Don’t use excuses. Re-prioritise things so you can find and make the time.