How Do You Know When And What Opportunity To Take?

business opportunities

Most people love shiny things, especially if they are brand new, me included.

It’s the curse of the entrepreneur. We go from opportunity to opportunity and take them, without completing the previous one and leaving other people to clean up the mess.

Business owners are like that. We don’t finish systemising, testing, and tweaking something then we move onto the next new thing.

In this industry a good example of this is to open a 2nd or 3rd branch before you have the first one nailed on.

That’s why having multiple branches might not work for some people – not the theory, just the application of it.

We are not detailed people. We like the cut and thrust of the deal, of the opportunity, of starting something.

The better business people, either finish something before moving on to the next thing or they surround themselves with what I call “finishers”, those types of people that are detailed orientated and get a kick out of making a sure thing.
