High Performance Tips

high performance tips

I know a lot of you like listening to podcasts and some read books on high performance and how to be better at what you do.

I’ve been obsessed with this ever since I had a career in professional sports.

Over the years I had forgotten a lot of the tips and tricks I learnt when I was over in America, but now I’m revisiting them and learning new stuff along the way.

I started off by looking at how to save time. How can I save 1 minute a day or even 5? Why not save 5 mins a day, 25 mins a week, 3 to 4 days over a year?

In “The One Thing”, Gary Keller talks about refocussing and how by being a constant flitter and moving from thing to thing without finishing it, can cause a productivity loss of up to 20%. That’s a day a week when you think about it.

So, what little things did I do to gain time back? Which over the last 2 weeks I’ve analysed and its 5 hours per week so far and climbing.

Well, I’ve bought extra cables and webcam equipment so I’m not constantly setting things up or unplugging things to take with me all the time.

I’m being military strict on my diary. Only coach on certain days, only do Fine and Country on a certain day, Castledene on certain days, podcast on certain days.

I’ve planned in the gym and that’s non-negotiable. Currently at 4 days per week and increasing to 5 in Feb. Makes a HUGE difference in energy and mindset.

I’ve got a set routine on a morning that I don’t deviate from. Get up at a set time, walk the dog, sit down, 2 coffees, answer emails first then strategy work.

Of course, things might get thrown in the mix now and again that throw me off course, but it’s all about being strict and course correction. When you feel yourself being pulled from pillar to post, don’t feel guilty about saying no.

One could argue by being the best you, it’s benefitting them and therefore its selfless which is totally different.

What high performance tips do you swear by and what do you think you could get better at?