Developing A Business Strategy

developing a business strategy

Developing a business strategy is a bit like going to the gym, for a couple of reasons:

If you just go to the gym, with no preparation, no idea what you are doing then you won’t get the best results. It’s the same as a business strategy. If you go in unprepared with little knowledge, then you won’t get the best results for you or your business.

A business strategy is a high-level plan developed to achieve company goals.

It’s a bit like saying, “I just want to lose 2 stone”. Both are high level.

The tactics are what gets us into the detail!

As with the gym, if you don’t follow the business strategy to the letter and be obsessed about it, then again, don’t be surprised when you don’t get the results you want.

Make sure with every plan you develop, you MUST implement it on a daily basis, and I mean daily, weekly is too long a time frame.

You don’t have days off when you want to be the best.

Yes, you have physical days off, but I mean when you are at work, you don’t mess around, not follow the plan and basically goof off. If you do that’s fine, but I guarantee, you won’t be the best at what you do.

I’m obsessed with modelling successful people. I look at why sportsmen, business people, and generally successful people have all achieved their goals and the one common denominator is that they all had a plan, became obsessed and followed it unapologetically.

Successful bodybuilders don’t skip leg day!

The best sportspeople don’t have time off training. The fittest people on earth don’t eat pizzas every night. The most successful businesspeople have a plan and stick to it.

Sacrifices need to be made if you want to achieve your goals, no matter how small or big they may be.

What are you prepared to do to be successful?