I find it bizarre when I see on social media, people disagreeing with others and how they operate without having any experience of what they are disagreeing with.
It seems that some people have strong opinions based on nothing sometimes!
The best leaders and operators I have seen are always open to new ideas and ways of working.
It doesn’t mean you have to trial and implement absolutely everything but what it does mean is that you don’t say “Computer says NO” at every turn!
Robust business planning and proposals are always crucial to new ways of working.
A lot of decisions can and are made on “gut feeling” but that can be dangerous.
Facts and evidence make the best decisions over time, so whatever your opinion, that’s all it is – until it’s backed up.
Facts run businesses, facts make businesses successful, facts influence decisions in the best way.
Let’s look at the self-employed model as an example…
We don’t do it, BUT I’m open to it. So, I don’t comment when people say how amazing or bad it is. As we know, the model is sound, it’s the implementation (the person) that can be faulty. I do see traditional agents, in terms of branches, having a pop at it…. Why?
The only conclusion is that it’s different and they feel threatened.
We all feel this way when change or a difference of opinion occurs. Our default position is “No, it will never work”.
Wrong… be open, embrace change, work with it rather than against it. See how it can improve your business. Look at it as an opportunity rather than a threat!
Be an open book not a closed one.
Agree, disagree?