Are You Getting Your Message Out To Your Clients?

speaking to clients

How can people buy you or your company if they don’t know you exist?

Most agents rely on good old-fashioned reputation to win business – those that do that alone will be as dead as the dodo soon!

Reputation is great and it will get you business, BUT you may have heard the phrase “attention is the new currency”.

Also, your reputation maybe with the older generation – not the younger boys and girls who are all over social media.

It’s not that difficult to stand out from the crowd in this industry in social media.

You might feel uncomfortable doing so but doing videos, blogs, being the go-to person in your area is paramount to get you business.

It’s done for a specific reason. Be the go-to person in that industry and put yourself out there for everyone to see.

People buy people and the only tip I have is… don’t be a jerk! It’s that simple.

If you come across as arrogant, too sales-like or not genuine, then people will run for the hills.

Let them know there’s people behind your business, people who want to connect with them and not just sell them something.

It’s also free advertising and can help people who didn’t even know you exist to find you.

Just be you!